Kandal Owens

Science Teacher

(478) 988-6298

Courses Taught:

Anatomy & Physiology, Physical Science

Kandall Owens



My name is Kandal (Williams) Owens and I am a proud member of the Panther Family here at Perry High School.  I am also a PHS Alum (Class of 1986)! 

I began my teaching career in 1994, and in addition to the Houston County School district, I have taught in Cordele, GA (Crisp Co. High) and  in Hamilton, GA (Harris County High) as well.  The majority of my teaching career has been here at my Alma Mater, Perry High School.  This year, I will begin 31 years in the classroom!  

My teaching credentials include being a Veteran Broad-field certified, Highly Qualified Science teacher, receiving my B.S. in Biology from Valdosta State University, and an M. Ed in Secondary Education with an emphasis in Science from Georgia Southwestern University. I hold a second M. Ed and Ed. S in School Counseling from Fort Valley State University.  I am also a Teacher Support Specialist,  In May of 2024, I successfully completed the Reading Endorsement coursework.  During my career in education, I have had the pleasure of teaching a variety of science subjects, but most years those subjects have been Biology, Physical Science, and Human Anatomy & Physiology.  My favorite course is Anatomy & Physiology, with Physical Science coming in as a close second.

I am fortunate to be happily married to my best friend, Randall Owens. We have two amazing sons, Nolan and McKinley.. Nolan is a sophomore in college, and McKinley is a senior in high school here in the Houston County School District  In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, dancing, traveling, cooking, reading, learning "how to" with gadgets, and my guilty pleasure of baking decadent desserts.

Why do I teach?  It's simple: I enjoy engaging young people long enough to enlighten, inspire, and ignite in them a passion for learning and learning more.  Nothing tugs harder on my heartstrings than to witness a student learn that they are valued, that they matter, and that they have something to offer.  It is in my classroom that the 'magic' happens when I can help my students establish and reach goals, conquer fears, work through adversity, and soar to higher heights. 

This year, I will be using CANVAS as both a teaching platform and  to post assignments and other pertinent information for students to stay connected on a daily basis,  I also use the Remind App as a tool to help students and parents stay connected and current with due dates and events going on at PHS and in our classroom.

In keeping with the 2024-2025 theme of the Houston County School District, "Leading the Way", in my classroom, I am leading the way in critical and reflective thinking. Let's work together to make this year an awesomely amazing school year!





